Home Reading

Home Reading

 Dear Families,

   Home Reading is an important part of any reading program.   Research shows that the amount of time spent reading does correlate to reading success.  Books from our classroom library will be brought home in a folder for your child to read.  If your child is already an independent reader and has a book going at home, that can certainly be used for home reading.  Home Reading books will be in students' plastic homework envelope each night of the school week.

           Setting the atmosphere

    •Help your child find a comfortable place to read.
    •Have your child see you reading.
    •Read aloud to your child.  Reread favorite stories.
    •Read with your child.
    •Discuss the stories you read together.
    •Keep reading time enjoyable and relaxed.

            Responding to Errors in Reading

 •Give your child "wait time" of 5 to 10 seconds.  See what they attempt to do to help themselves.
*Encourage them to start on the left side of the word and sound out each sound.
*Encourage them to blend the sounds together to read the word.
*Encourage them to chop the word into chunks or syllables.
*Encourage them to look at the base word separately from the prefix and suffix.

    I hope you and your child will enjoy Home Reading. Students should read for about 10  minutes at least four nights a week.   If it is already a routine in your home to do more than that, good for you and keep it up!   I will try to select books that are at a good level for your child to read easily on their own, and if your child is already a skilled reader he/she will be able to choose books themselves.    If you have any questions or comments, please let me know.

Thank you for your support,

P.S.  If your family has two homes and one folder just doesn’t work for you logistically, just let me know and we can work out a slightly different system!