Our Classroom Schedule


 Our Classroom Schedule

8:20-8:50 Settling In/Math Boxes & Lexia

8:50-9:00 Morning Meeting

  •Read Morning Message with learning targets for the day

  •Share Circle or Greeting  to build class community

  •Practice social skills and conflict resolution

9:00-10:00 Math 

10:00-10:15 Morning Recess & Snack

10:15-10:45 Phonics - UFLI Foundations Program

10:45-11:15  Reading Workshop - This includes a read aloud tied to our comprehension goals and written responses to show our understanding of texts.

11:15-12:05 Recess/Lunch

12:05-12:20 Read Aloud 

12:20-12:30 Spelling 

12:30-1:00 DEAR (DROP EVERYTHING AND READ) & Individual Literacy Goals –  This is the time I do differentiated, small group and one-on-one reading instruction. This block includes time to focus on phonics, fluency, comprehension, vocabulary work, responding to books in writing and student book clubs and Lexia programming.

1:00-1:40  Writing Workshop  (This includes lessons on writing skills and concepts, independent writing time, conferencing about writing, drafting, revising, editing, publishing and sharing writing.)

1:40-2:20 Specials (Guidance, P.E., Music, Art, Library)

2:20-2:40 Science or Social Studies (units alternate throughout the year and will also be integrated into literacy time)

2:45-2:50  Clean Up, Pack up Folders, Dismissal

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