Friday, October 4, 2024

Weekly News 10-4-24

 Weekly News for 2-P 10-4-24

*Sneakers Monday for PE and library books on Wednesdays!

      *There is no school on Friday, October 11th for a Professional Development Day or  Monday, October 14th for Indigenous People’s Day


*In math we worked on skip counting patterns with 2s, 5s, 10s and 100s. Students filled in number grids with 3 digit numbers. We explored odd and even numbers and practiced identifying patterns in a series of numbers. We also reviewed addition patterns with doubles facts as they relate to odd/even numbers. We learned some fun new games to help us practice our skills.

*During reading workshop we focused on exploring poetry as a genre. We read lots of poems, talked about their structure and content. We wrote and drew about them and learned to locate sensory phrases and details. We especially enjoyed silly poems!

*In writing workshop we also worked with poetry, focusing on a place poem. Each child chose a special place and brainstormed sensory details about that place, before writing their first draft. Later in the week we learned to add a simile to our poem and then revised and edited our drafts. Our connected grammar work was about singular and plural nouns.

*We have completed our fourth spelling unit on short 0 words. Next up is short u words. Our phonics work this week focused on reviewing silent e exception rules and -es ending rules. 

*This week our science work centered on a new investigation called “Why Do Frogs Ribbit?” This lesson is a case study in biodiversity using the frogs of North America. In the activity, “Who's Calling?” students learn to identify frogs by their unique calls and investigate which of two locations has a greater variety of frogs. After listening to recordings of frog calls, students create words that will remind them of the sounds, and then use those words to identify frog sounds in different environments.  We had a great time working as a team to figure out these frog sounds! 

*In Go2 Science we got to see where Beth and Curtis find a fossil! We also learned a lot about scorpions. Last week Curtis showed us how to dissect animal poop to find out what type of animal it was. We got to do that this week with our own (fake) poop specimens. Students were so good at knowing from the contents inside, if the animal was an herbivore, carnivore or omnivore. 

We sorted animals into groups based on their traits.

Proud poets!

Another poet!

Our place poems were fun to write!

We illustrated them too!

It was fun to write about our most special places!

We explored frog calls in science!

We tested our skills out listening to two different habitats and tracked data.

Another poet!

Playing ":Odd and Even" race in math

A fun math game called....

"Ready, Set, Add!"

We decorated our math portfolios.

In Go 2 Science we dissected "poop."

Beth and Curtis have showed us how on this mission.

We found things like bones, grass, seeds....

Then we knew what type of eater we were dealing with.

Holding up evidence!

Mrs. Vise's class joined us for this.

It was fun to do this with a friend from the other class.

Playing Addition UNO!

We did another investigation about animal habitats.

We had to think about why the sheep would switch habitats during the day and night.

Mrs. Pratt's mom read us a great book on Monday!

We love to play UFLI books on the big board.

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