Week 2 News September 18, 2020
It was great to have two more days with each group this week. I am getting a chance to read with each student individually and administer the BAS (Benchmark Assessment System) to find out their strengths and needs as readers. When I’m done with this assessment I will send a reporting form to let you know where your child is on the reading continuum, what his/her goals will be and how you can help support them at home.
Some of the learning we did this week:
*At morning meeting we are continuing to do activities that help us grow as a community of learners and friends. This has been quite easy since this class knows each other so well.
*We completed two Everyday Math lessons from grade 1 on foundational skills related to doubles and near doubles facts. We also began math boxes (skill review work) and got kids back into that routine practicing a variety of math skills. We played a game to reinforce number line sense also.
*We began the second grade handwriting program, reviewing capital letter formation. We’ve been working to remember the good habit of starting our letters at the TOP when we write.
*We worked more in the grade 1 spelling book on two units of long e patterns. Kids are picking right up with these words!
*We did two Mystery Science lessons and experiments on Light & Sound from the first grade curriculum. The kids love these hands-on exploratory investigations!
*I read stories to the class and they practiced responding to texts by writing about and illustrating their favorite part.
*During writing workshop we reviewed what a sentence is and practiced writing 2-4 sentences on a topic. I model writing for them first and show them how to come up with a topic and then elaborate on it with details. We are also working on capitalization/punctuation.
*Students are working in Lexia daily. This online reading program is giving each second grader time to work on skills that fit their current needs.
*Students are working in IXL daily also and this enables the program to make an individualized learning plan based on their needs.
*Students have had class with most of their specials teachers and have enjoyed a lot of recess time outdoors as well as walks/runs on the track. Outdoor snack every morning has been a big hit!
A few photos:
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