Saturday, December 5, 2020


Weekly News 12-4-20 
 Important Dates & Events: 
 *As of Monday we are full time in person learning! Mrs. Kaser opens her new second grade classroom. We have 12 seconds graders still in 2-P. After school Friday I rearranged to make our space work best. We will be learning the new routines and procedures with the staggered start this week. I am really excited to see these kiddos every day! You should have received information from the office about whether your child is in the early or late arrival group. Email me this weekend if you have any questions. 

 *Lockers - we will begin to use lockers (carefully spaced apart ) on Monday for outerwear only. This will help with space in the room and keep our classroom dry as well. 

 *It looks like we will have our first snowy recess Monday. Students need boots, snow pants, coats, hats and mittens. Sending an extra pair of hats/mittens/socks to leave in their lockers is always a safe bet as they get wet. 

 *Students always need indoor shoes as we don’t wear boots in the classroom. Please send a pair every day or they can also keep a pair in their locker. 

 *Homework: Students will have a spelling list this week and books to read with you at home. No packets! Students are still able to access any of our online programs and are welcome to, but on in person days that won’t be an expectation. 

 *Pictures will come home Monday. Retakes are Thursday. 

 Our Work this Week: 
 *In spelling we have completed our work on short o words and did the test at the end of the week. Next week we will work on short u words and will be able to follow a more normal spelling routine. Lists will come home on Mondays and we will do the test on Fridays. 

 *During math we worked more in Unit 1 of the grade 2 program. We reviewed money and time and also worked on number grid puzzles to strengthen our number sense. Due to all the review in the first few months students are grasping these lessons and we are moving at a good pace. Math homelinks will begin at the end of unit 1. 

 *In reading workshop we continued to work on realistic fiction and explored many series such as Henry and Mudge, Ting and Ling, and Mr. Putter and Tabby. Students got to see how a main character could have adventures and realistic problems in short chapters. 

 *Writing workshop this week focused on planning our realistic fiction series. Students chose characters and named them. Then they created their family and friends (side characters). They figured out their character’s likes and dislikes, hobbies and interests. We made lists of possible problems our characters could have and will begin our first story next week. 

 Our Specials Schedule 11:30 A.M. -12:00 P.M. 
Monday: Music 
Tuesday: PE 
Wednesday: Library 
Thursday: Guidance 
Friday: Art 
LUNCH: 12:10-12:35              RECESS: 12:40-1:05

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