Friday, January 22, 2021

Week of January 19, 2021

 Weekly News 1-22-21

Important Notes:

*Today we enjoyed a virtual Chewonki presentation on “Animal Adaptations.”  Thanks to our wonderful PTA for sponsoring this enriching event for our students.The students loved this time with an expert and learned a lot about adaptations.  They really liked “meeting” some animals.

Our Work this Week:

*In spelling we have focused on ending digraphs -ng and -nk.  This was a trickier pattern after last week’s easier pattern with beginning blends. We continue to do daily sentence dictation practice which incorporates spelling patterns from the week and reinforces using proper mechanics (capitalization and end punctuation).

*During math we completed Unit 2!  Since students had their math journals last week we were able to stay on pace.  Unit 2 assessments are done and will be shared with you at home once they are scored. For daily fact practice we have done +0 and +1 facts and are now working on mastering ll the doubles facts.

*In reading workshop we continued to work on nonfiction with “All About” books that teach you about a topic.  Students are gaining experience with common text features such as the table of contents, bold words, the glossary, captions and labels.  This work is preparing them to write their own! 

*Writing workshop this week had us fancying up our favorite book in our realistic fiction series.  Then we shared them with classmates on Wednesday.  There were so many proud authors!  We began our informational writing unit by brainstorming topics that we are experts on for our own “All About” books.  Then we planned our Table of Contents with matching sections or headings.  There is always excitement about shifting to a new type of writing!

*Science last week had us reviewing concepts about seed germination and how seeds grow.  We have been exploring lots of nonfiction books about plants, seeds, trees and leaves in reading workshop. This week we planted radish seeds and are experimenting to see if they will grow better in sunlight or dark.  We practiced labeling all the parts of a plant. 

Making equivalent names!

Our Scholastic News taught us about the life of MLK JR.

Sharing our realistic fiction series!

Kids were proud of what they created!

Fancying up our realistic fiction before our writer's celebration

Some kids enjoyed reading biographies this week.

We practiced labeling plants.

Jessica from Chewonki introduced us to this screech owl!

She showed us this salamander's adaptive qualities.

We knew what type of feet these were right away!

These too!

We continued to work on understanding nonfiction text features and relaying facts from what we've read.

In Art we painted our snowmen.

We began work on our informational writing unit.

We are writing All About Books.

We are experimenting to see how seeds grow in sunlight....

compared to how they grow in darkness (these get wrapped up and put in a desk drawer).  

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