Saturday, May 8, 2021


 Weekly News 5-7-21

Important Notes:

*Next week students can choose new library books on Tuesday!

*Run Club next week Monday and Thursday.  Please send an extra afternoon snack for your child and a water bottle. 

Our Work this Week:

*In spelling we worked on inflectional endings - ed and -ing.  We often sort the different sounds of words that end with -ed in our grammar work.  It can have THREE different sounds!  Next week we will study vowel digraphs. 

*During math we did a lot of work with measuring, trying to get familiar with both the US standard system and the metric system.  We are getting to be good at estimating distances!  We measured larger items in the room  with yards and meters.  We also collected data about our arm spans and conducted a fun standing long jump session. That was a great way to collect data.  We made line plots with the information and practiced reading other graphs as well.  Each day we are reviewing how to do ballpark estimates and partial sums algorithm to solve multi digit addition problems.

*In reading workshop and science we continued to use nonfiction sources to build our knowledge about birds.  We focused on becoming experts on bird feet and beaks, their nests, life cycle and how they care for their young.  Then we began a deep study of our first bird, a seed eater, the blue jay!  We watched educational videos of blue jays, listened to their calls, and read books about them.  We also have a research packet full of blue jay facts.  Using all these sources, we are learning to take notes about blue jays and record them on a special graphic organizer.  This will help us write a report about blue jays next week.

*Writing workshop.  All week we wrote poems like crazy.  We practiced using rhythm and choosing careful spots to place our line breaks.  After a lesson about using descriptive and precise words, we worked hard to look closely at what types of words we selected.  Some students tried a “Two Word on a Line Poem” structure to help them craft a different type of poem.  Each student got a special blank book that they are publishing their poems in.  They are very proud of their published work.  These will come home by the end of the year to keep.  

The kids loved using clay Friday!

We tallied and graphed our fruit faves!

On Friday we each cut out our own set of shapes and sorted them in different ways.

We made a line plot with out arm span data, collected earlier in the week.

We spent a lot of time measuring this week - our tape measures came in very handy!

We worked with a partner to do some measuring and comparing.

Our young poets loved publishing their poems in their special blank book.

More creations!

Standing long jump - a fun way to collect data to use and sort and graph

Clay bird nest!

Sorting and tracing shapes in math

Run club game

Mrs. Fahey kindly brought us bubbles and the kids had a blast with them!

We are becoming blue jay experts!

This team is measuring a long jump attempt.

PTA generously gave each grade level a bin of new toys.  The velcro catch game has been a big hit!

Teaming up for arm span measuring

We are enjoying getting outside more every morning!

Taking turns with the standing long jump trials

We measured the heights of our desks in inches and centimeters.

We are getting good at grouping numbers efficiently!

We use "swoops" to show our thinking.

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