Thursday, October 7, 2021


 Weekly News for 2-P 10-7-21

*Sneakers Tuesdays for PE and water bottles every day



*In math we began unit 2, which focuses on addition strategies.  We reviewed grouping by 10s, writing addition number stories and reviewing doubles facts and combinations of 10.  We did Rocket Math practice most days to work on mastering our addition facts.  Students will move at their own pace as they progress through the program.

*During reading workshop we worked on forming opinions about books.  After reading stories together we practiced articulating our opinions about a character or part of a story and found that we could have good discussions about our differing opinions. Students worked hard to support their opinions with reasons. 


*In writing workshop we learned about the dreaded writing condition called “ANDITIS,” when students use the word and over and over again.  We learned strategies for fixing this common writing problem. Another focus was looking for places to add descriptive words as we stretch our writing down the page.

*We have completed our fourth spelling unit on short o words. Next up is short u words. Some of our spelling and grammar work this week focused on antonyms and synonyms, past tense verbs, proofreading sentences and prefixes. 

*This week our science work centered on an investigation called “How could you get more birds to visit a bird feeder?” Students investigated which kinds of birds are likely to visit a bird feeder based on what they eat. After learning about the feeding habits of birds, students drew their own bird feeder design to attract a specific type of bird. Then they built a prototype of their bird feeder using available materials. The kids had such a great time building and used such creativity as they worked!

We used color coding to help us remember the three parts of a number story.

We played the "Money Exchange Game" to practice counting in groups of 10.

Having fun in music - moving and singing!

Working to $100 to win the game!

Lots of bird feeder creativity.....

Recording doubles facts during math

Writing our own addition number stories

Readers' Notebook work

We LOVED A Bargain For Frances and had strong opinions about the character, Thelma!

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