Weekly News for 2-P 1-10-25
*Thanks for sending coats, mittens, hats and boots, plus indoor shoes daily!
*We could use donations of cleaning wipes so I can wash our desks and high touch surfaces daily during the winter months!
*In math we have started Unit 6. First we worked on strategies for subtracting (counting up, counting back and using 10 as a friendly number). Then we worked on ways to subtract with 2 digit numbers. Since we have built such strong place value skills, this is going smoothly! At the end of the week we learned how to subtract with regrouping, using base 10 blocks to “trade” or regroup.
*In social studies this week we began a unit on “Economics.” We learned about natural resources, consumers, producers, goods and services.
*In reading workshop we learning about a new genre- biographies! Students are enjoying learning about famous scientists, athletes and inventors. We are reading texts, but also using Pebble Go and Epic to read or listen to a wide variety of biographies. After reading, students are recording facts they learned about the individual.
*In writing workshop we worked on descriptive writing. Students chose a place at school and brainstormed sensory details to describe this location. Our grammar tie-in was adjectives so students got lots of practice coming up with interesting words to help the reader picture their chosen place.
*Our focus was on silent letter patterns in spelling this week. During our phonics time we practiced -ew spelling patterns and reviewed all of the vowel teams we have been learning.
*We kicked off the next Go2 Science Mission this week: Mission Reefs and Sharks in French Polynesia. Throughout the next 6 weeks we will explore coral reefs around the island of Maupiti and the atoll of Fakarava, counting sharks and assessing reef health. The kids are excited for another adventure with Beth and Curtis!
Rocking Fitness Friday with Mr. Hutchings! |
Fantastic jumping jack form! |
We wrote descriptive writing this week about a special place at school. |
Gym was a popular choice! |
We kicked off our new Go2 Sceince Mission this week. |
We are already tracking new animals and the health of both the coral reefs and the shark count. |
We are reading lots of biographies in reading working! |
Coin matching game in math |
We practiced our social studies vocabulary in our unit about economics. |
We sequenced how pineapples get from soil to our table! |
We matched natural resources to "goods." |
On Friday we published our descriptive pieces. |
Students loved learning about Eleanor Roosevelt. |
Free Choice Friday - massive lego creation! |
This is how many sharks we saw in the coral reef Beth and Curtis explored this week. |
They explained how they analyze the health of the reef. |
Look at all those phonics patterns! |
We do this auditory drill in UFLI 2 times a week and it helps us be strong spellers! |
Building words with magnetic letters also helps us become strong spellers. |
We used base 10 blocks to subtract two digit numbers. |
We played subtraction UNO! |
Working on our biography projects |
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