Thursday, March 13, 2025

Weekly News 3-13-25

 Weekly News for 2-P 3-13-25

     *Thanks for continuing to send boots and indoor shoes (our playground is very muddy and wet!). 

*In math we completed unit 8 on time and money. This week we did lots of telling time. We practiced a.m. and p.m. concepts and strategies for telling time on analog clocks. While we did finish this unit, time and money are both challenging skills that require lots of repetition so we will continue to practice both frequently to work toward mastery. 

*In reading workshop we did more work with nonfiction text organization. We read some very interesting books and learned lots of new facts, but also improved with our ability to talk about the nonfiction text features (headings, table of contents, captions, bold words).

*We continued the annual Chickadee Award program and heard a new book every day in specials. In our booklets we gave each book a star rating, told about the author’s message and recorded our favorite part.

*We kicked off a new science unit on “Force and Motion” with an intriguing mystery about an ice board, created from a skate board, but with additional features. As we build background knowledge about pushes and pulls and gravity, we will continue to do more thinking about how an ice board works effectively.


*In writing we worked on a persuasive speech. Each child came up with an idea of a club they would like to start at school. Their speech was written to persuade others to join the club and ended with a “call to action.” Our grammar tie-in was prepositions and prepositional phrases.

*Our focus was on inflectional endings in spelling this week (er, est). During our phonics time we practiced prefixes and suffixes. We are reading and writing multi-syllable words!

Playing a time game

Sample draft of our persuasive essay

First page of a persuasive essay

We are learning prepositions!

The finest gold shoes around! 

Nurse Megan read us Thursday's Chickadee book.

Our graphic organizer to plan our persuasive essays

Buddy reading!

Book Club Comprehension Work

Investigating nonfiction texts

Reviewing for our math test

Math review partners

Teaming up to solve problems

Dancing machines....Go Noodle Break!

On Tuesday we met with Renee, from USM's Osher Map Library.

She helped us learn more about maps.

We learned to add scale to a map.

We made our own islands!

Drawing our radishes from last week's experiment

Playing Time Bingo

Our initial ice board thinking

UFLI passage leader

Roll and Write with tricky patterns


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