Friday, September 20, 2024

Weekly News 9-20-24

 Weekly News 9-20-24

*Sneakers needed Mondays for PE

*Library books are due back on Wednesdays

    Thanks for your support with homework folders this week! 

MATH    We are close to completing Unit 2 of Reveal Math. We have learned to read, write and represent three digit numbers. We are building a strong foundation of place value sense. We also learned to break apart, or decompose, 3 digit numbers in 3 ways (standard form, word form, expanded form). Lastly we are learning how to compare 3 digit numbers. We will finish this unit and do some assessment activities next week.

READING   This week we worked on identifying the main story elements in literature:  characters, setting, problem and solution. Students enjoyed listening to and reading fictional books and completed story maps that named these elements.This concept will be woven back in throughout the year, as we continue to read fiction and realistic fiction. 

SCIENCE  We dove into a Mystery Science investigation about animal classification and how we can use characteristics to sort animals into groups. We worked in teams to sort and define what makes an animal a reptile, mammal or bird.

WRITING    This week our writing piece was focused on “What I Like To Do” and we took this piece all the way through the writing process. We also learned to revise our pieces by adding specific details. We used an editing checklist to proofread our work. Grammar work was integrated into our writing,centered around how to write solid, complete sentences and our hard work is paying off! 

SPELLING/PHONICS  We have completed our second spelling unit on short e words. Second graders practiced these words in many contexts and learned about antonyms, synonyms and double consonants. This complemented our phonics work reinforcing short vowels, consonant clusters, blends and the FLSZ doubling rule (we double f,l,s and z after a short vowel sound) We also reviewed digraphs: sh, ch, th, ph, wh, ng, nk, ck.

GO2 Science We also joined Beth and Curtis for Mission Dinosaurs in Wyoming- this is part of GO2 Science, which our second graders have been a part of for two years now. We are investigating a hypothesis to see if the non-avian dinosaur, Deinonychus, once lived in an area of Wyoming called the Bighorn Basin. It had a big sickle-shaped claw on its second toe and may have had feathers! Are there dinosaur fossils in the Bighorn Basin? Was Deinonychus there? We will find out with Beth and Curtis!

This week our writing was "What I Like To DO"

We kicked off Mystery Science with a tricky question about a mysterious bat cave in Texas!

Reading with friends in our scoop rockers

On Friday we shared our writing!

Fun paint markers during free choice Friday!

Exploring place value with a pal

We love to find "Mini Beth" in the classroom!

Free Choice Friday Lego Time!

During the livestream we get to ask Beth and Curtis questions and they answer us!

Working on nonfiction fact recording

We did story maps in reading workshop.

Playing Roll and Read builds our decoding skills.

Author hard at work!

The revising process begins!

We are playing lots of games to work on building complete sentences.

We spent a lot of time with place value activities this week!

Using the sentence constructor to practice grammar

Math partners at work

We LOVE these Stanley books! (sorry it's sideways....)

We brainstormed for writing as a class.

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