Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Home Learning Information

Dear Families, 
 As we move forward with a hybrid learning plan we are going to formalize the work and expectations students do at home. 

 *Students in second grade should spend about 2 hours doing the assigned work and activities on home days. 
 *You can do this on your own schedule and include breaks as needed. Since we will be teaching the other cohort we won’t be able to do live virtual meetings with kids. 
 *We have attached a sample schedule that you could use if it is helpful. You can adjust it for your child, as long as it includes the 2 hours of work time. 
 *The expectation is that students will complete the work on their home days. We are able to monitor their digital work completion in the online programs. Any work done on paper should be returned the next in-person school day.
 *We will use a mix of computer work, packet work, books and learning games/activities. This gives students direct instruction and practice through Lexia, Dreambox and IXL, but also gives them a chance to participate in learning that helps them progress with fine motor skills and the mechanics of physical writing.
 *Using a timer might help your child. For instance, as they begin Lexia, set the timer at 15 minutes, so they will know how long to work. 
 *The breakdown of academic time will be: Math - 30 min Read Aloud or listen to story -20 min Reading - 30 min Science/Soc Studies/Other - 20 min Writing - 20 min 
 Sample Schedule 
 9:00-9:15 Lexia (on computer)
 9:15-9:30 Independent Reading (books sent home, books at home or online with Tumblebooks, RAZ, EPIC). 
 9:30-9:45 IXL Math or Dreambox Math (on computer)
 9:45-10:00 Snack and Movement Break 1
0:00-10:20 Packet Work (handwriting, math review, puzzles, reading, spelling) 
 10:20-10:35 Math game (either hands on game or on Everyday Math online)
 10:35-10:55 Writing and Drawing Time (work on a story, free write, journal) 
 10:55-11:15 Enrichment Choice: Keyboarding Without Tears, BrainPop or Flocabulary
 11:15 Pack your completed work and books back in your folder to return to school the next school day.

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