Friday, October 16, 2020

Week of October 12th

          Weekly News

*Thanks for your continued support with at home learning. Please let me know any issues you are having or ways I can help.  I am tracking both packets and online work daily for attendance purposes and kids have been super responsible about their work.  

*Picture Day is November 5th and November 6th. Picture Day Link

* Favorite Book Character Day Group A- October 29th Group B- October 30th 

                      This Week’s Work

*In math we worked on the Unit 6 Progress Check and the Unit 6 cumulative assessment. This will give us information about how students are doing with the skills/concepts in this unit. I will send a profile of progress home for you soon. We will begin Unit 7 next week.

*We continue to review first grade spelling work but at the end of the week we did our first second grade spelling pre-test and got the spelling book to start the first unit.  The kids commented on how different it looked than their first grade one!  We did our first page and they were very invested. Each student has an individualized spelling list in their plastic envelope.  I use the pre-test results to give them one of three lists that fit their needs. We will begin with short vowels! 

*We did more language and grammar work as well. This week we hit nouns, verbs (past tense/present tense), adjectives, antonyms, capitalization, proper nouns, short vowels and more.  We are also doing oral exercises to strengthen our phonemic awareness skills, the ability to identify/manipulate individual sounds (phonemes) in spoken words. A student’s skill in this area is a good predictor of reading success and plays a crucial role in their reading development.  

*During reading workshop we practiced retelling a story in sequential order.  This helps students demonstrate their comprehension of the characters, setting and events as they unfold in a fictional text.  Next week we will work on this again. Students are enjoying DEAR time and read aloud every day!

*Our writing workshops this week were about crafting a good lead for small moment writing.  We learned 3 strategies for a strong beginning: start with dialogue, start with a sound word, or begin with the setting and really describe it. It was great to see the kids attempting a more interesting beginning following this lesson!

*We also did some Mystery Science mini lessons and had Art and Library this week.  Next week we have PE and Music. 

Small Moment Writing!

A writing tool to help us make great leads!

Art Class with Mrs. Devin

Insect Project

Choosing new books!

Enjoying some sunny weather!

Playing a dice game to practice place value

We practiced how to get into a Google Meet with Mrs. Pols to get ready for Wednesday's first virtual class meeting.

Rainy inside recess?  LEGOS!

Pattern block design!

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