Friday, October 23, 2020

Week of October 19th, 2020


        Second Grade News

Important Dates:

10/29 & 10/30 - Character Dress-Up Day! 

Dress Up as Character Day Next Thursday/Friday

11/1 - Daylight Savings, Fall back 1 hour

11/3 - Election Day - Professional Development Day

11/5 & 11/6 - School Picture Day - flyers sent home in folders this week

11/23 & 11/24 - ½ Days for Parent/Teacher Conferences

11/25 - 11/27 - Thanksgiving Break

Kudos to you, families, for your amazing support on home learning days!  

What we did this week:

Reading:  In reading we continued to work on retelling a story with characters, setting, and details about the beginning, middle and ending of the story.  We also worked on strategies for decoding texts at individual levels.  Students are growing in their stamina for independent reading!

Math:  In math we began unit 7 and focused on how to create two addition and two subtraction sentences from the 3 numbers that make up a fact family.  We practiced with fact triangles.  Students also learned a subtraction dice game and we honed our skills at telling time to the hour. Our mathematicians love using their slates and dry erase markers to warm up their mental math skills every day at the start of class.  They proudly display their math thinking and problem solving!

Spelling:  We completed unit 1 of the second grade spelling program on short a and then got ready for unit 2 on short e words.  I am teaching them the new routines that make this program different from the first grade one.  They loved the chance to proofread a paragraph with their highlighter.  As we practice the words each week we hit many language skills at the same time; rhyming, word patterns, consonant blends and digraphs, parts of speech, vocabulary development, synonyms and antonyms.  Many of these skills/concepts are also taught and practiced during our grammar work.  

Writing:  Lessons this week reinforced starting our writing with strong leads.  We also learned to write stronger endings.  When I model my writing for the kids, I ask them to pick out strengths and weaknesses and they are showing an increased ability to find the elements that we are trying to include in our writing. We also began to work on “reading like a detective” to find mistakes that we can fix when we review our work.

Lexia:  Thanks for supporting your kids in getting in their time on Lexia for their home days.  Each child has a goal of 60 minutes a week.  If they do 15-20 minutes on each of their home days they can meet this easily.  The program helps students master all the critical building blocks of reading.

Science: We began a new mini science unit, “Animal Adventures.” This unit helps students develop a sense of wonder for biodiversity, the range and variety of animals on earth. In our first exploration students gained experience in identifying animals and sorting them into scientific groups.  Throughout this unit, we will delve into two important biology concepts, “habitat” and “species.” 

Enjoying some DEAR time!

Fun in Music!

We practiced retelling a story!

Sorting animal cards into groups

Playing Double Your Dice!

Fact Family Whiz!

Doubles practice


Practicing spelling words in a fun way

We used our fact triangles to make fact families!

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