Thursday, September 9, 2021

 Second Grade News -  September, 2021

Dear Parents,

     Welcome back!  I hope that you and your child are excited about second grade.  I am writing to tell you about my classroom.


    You can expect a weekly newsletter from me (sent home via email on Fridays) to fill you in on what’s going on in the classroom.  I post them to my blog with pictures at the end of the week.

    Your child will use their durable, two-pocket folder as a take-home folder.  This folder should travel to and from school daily. This will hold any notices or completed work.  It is a good idea to get in the habit of checking it each night and clearing it out. Students will also have a plastic envelope that is their homework folder. Once we get rolling, this will contain math homework, their spelling list and a book to read each night.

    E-mail is a convenient way for us to stay in touch.  My e-maill address is   Voicemail messages can be left for me as well.

    You can also visit my class website,


                My Program

    I believe that children learn by doing; reading, writing, using math tools and solving math problems, observing, and experimenting.  My hope is to have all children getting involved and taking responsibility for their own learning. 

    A great deal of my work with students is individualized to suit each child.  Every student is unique and has different abilities and learning styles, strengths and needs.  It is important to me to meet each child where they are and help them progress from that point.

I believe strongly that the best learning takes place when children feel safe, comfortable and happy.  It is my goal every day to create an environment where children know they are cared for and valued, by me and by their peers.

    Students will keep portfolios in the classroom.  Portfolios become a record of a child’s progress over a period of time; showing change, growth and a sample of their work.  These will be sent home each trimester. Because much of our math work is done in the student math journal, you won’t see math papers coming home every day.  Monitoring your child’s progress on Home Links helps you see how they are doing with day to day math concepts and skills.  Math portfolios will come home after each unit to give you specific, frequent information on your child’s progress. 




    There are two parts to our homework program in second grade.  Second graders should spend no more than 20 minutes on homework each night. Part of that homework includes 10 minutes of reading at least four to five times a week.  Of course, if it’s already a habit for your child to read nightly, good for you and keep it up!  Home reading books will be sent home starting next Monday.  You will see a simple form in the homework envelope that you and your child can check off and return the next day.

    The second part of our homework will be in mathematics. Everyday Math HomeLinks will be sent home regularly to reinforce what we’re doing in school.  During the first unit there are only 2 Home Link assignments toward the end of the unit.  After that there is an assignment on most nights.  I do want to stress that these should not take very long to complete.  They are intended to be a quick review of what we have done in math class that day and to keep you informed about what we’re doing.  If you find it is taking your child more than 10 minutes, please feel free to stop them and send it back incomplete.  That is ALWAYS fine with me. I know how important it is for children to have downtime and active playtime after a long school day.  

Spelling lists will come home every Monday.  At-home practice is encouraged but we will practice words daily throughout each unit.  


                Beginning Curriculum

    In the beginning of the year we work hard to build a strong sense of community in our classroom.  It is essential to create an atmosphere of caring, and respectful behavior.  Our focus is on creating a supportive classroom community.  We will learn to solve conflicts in a peaceful way, practice demonstrating responsibility and learn why it’s important to be tolerant of others and accept differences.  I find that this unit always sets the right tone and gets things off to a positive start.  The list below gives you an idea of what we will be doing academically!

Penmanship:  We will be continuing the “Handwriting Without Tears” program.  The goal is for students to be able to make letters as efficiently and neatly as possible, with formation starting at the top.  This will be a quick review and practice session daily. If students need more practice I will provide it.

Reading:  I will spend the first two to three weeks assessing each child’s needs in reading, including phonics knowledge, fluency and comprehension.  As a whole class we will work on how to use independent reading time well.  This includes selecting “just right” books.  Another focus will be learning how to write and draw about books in a variety of ways.  Once I have finished assessing everyone, I will begin focused daily whole class reading instruction as well as daily reading groups.  

Writing:   We LOVE to write in second grade!  Our first unit of study in writer’s workshop will be in narrative.  This will build on the work done in the first grade program.  We will use two special “mentor texts” - books that help us focus on strong writing - to figure out all the techniques writers use to create great stories.  Our very initial work will be on topic selection and stretching out our stories with details as we write.  

Spelling:  In spelling we use a program called Spelling Connections.  This program includes spelling patterns, high frequency words, word meaning and structure, proofreading skills, vocabulary and using words correctly in daily writing.  Students will take a pre-test each week on the new spelling skill and will then get a list of words that matches their spelling needs.  These lists will come home every Monday.  If you have time to practice them a couple of times that is always helpful but we will practice them at school often throughout each week.  

Math:  I am sending a  Family Math folder to be kept at home to help you support your child in math.  A family letter will come home prior to each new unit in Everyday Math, describing the content of that unit and with answer keys to the Home Links.  There will be an online component you can access from home if you wish.  More on that soon!


Our Special Schedule

    Monday:     Art 

    Tuesday:  PE (Bring sneakers!)

    Wednesday:  Music  

    Thursday:  Guidance 

    Friday:  Library (Return books!)


    •SNACK:  We will have a snack break for 10-15 minutes every morning and a shorter snack break (if needed) in the afternoon while I do read aloud.  Please remember to send healthy snacks with your child each day.   This is an important time to refuel with nutritious food to help our bodies be ready to learn.     

    •If you haven’t already done so, it’s a good idea to put your child’s name in permanent marker on coats, backpacks and lunch boxes.


    •Toys:  Please remember that toys should be left at home.  When students bring toys to school it can be distracting for them and their classmates. We don’t have a show and tell time, but do orally share about our lives at morning meeting most days.


    •Lunch:   Lunches are available for free this year.  Milks purchased to accompany a home lunch will be available for purchase. You can prepay for your child through our online system or with cash or a check.  If you need your child’s code to access the online lunch system, just let me know and I can send it home to you.  If you send money to me please write the amount of money on the envelope or baggie, which saves me time counting money as I try to greet the students each morning.  

•Birthdays:  We celebrate birthdays by making cards and singing to the child as a class.

    I’m looking forward to an exciting school year.  Please don’t hesitate to call me, e-mail me or set up a time to meet if you have any concerns or questions.                         


 Beth Pols




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