Saturday, September 18, 2021

Week 2 News

 Weekly News for 2-P 9-17-21

*SNeakers TuesdayS for PE and water bottles every day

Thanks for your support with homework folders! Next week a short math review will be added.

*In math we are well into Unit 1 of Everyday Math.  We have worked on skip counting, number grid puzzles, counting and recognizing coins and equivalent names for numbers. We are reviewing number formation as needed and using math tools such as pattern block templates and number grids. Students love to use slates to practice mental math work every day!

*During reading workshop we have been reading books and writing about them in our new reader’s notebooks. I have been assessing each student’s reading and will use this information to set individual reading goals and plans. Students are doing Lexia daily, at their own level, which gives them sequential instruction that responds to their needs as they work.

*We kicked off our narrative writing unit and are writing stories that stretch out important moments in our lives.  We are learning to add details to tell our story across many pages.  This class is doing so well picking a true small moment rather than a large, wide topic!

*We have completed our first spelling unit on short a words.  Our spelling program gives students many opportunities to practice their words through a variety of language activities such as rhyming, using context clues, proofreading, analogies and more! Our newest second graders are learning the new spelling routines quickly. Next week is short e, which is a more challenging sounds for kids to hear.

*We are off to a great start and today when the kids shared their favorite part of second grade so far, many of them said things like: seeing my friends every day, getting to do EVERYTHING, having fun at recess and specials, and reading lots of new books.  Yay, second graders!  There is a great year ahead of us!

Beth Pols

Scavenger hunt around our new classroom on the first day!

Using pattern block templates to make designs

Discovering new things in our room

Playdough break!

Pattern block drawings!

Number scroll and a smile!

We made a class number scroll in partnerships.

It started at 0 and went to 1,000!


The number grid game is a great way to build number sense!

It helps us practice adding one and 10!

Students like to roll a magic 1 or 2 so they can drop rows!

On Friday we did equivalent names in math.  Students recorded names/nicknames for someone special in their life!

More equivalent names.  You could ask them if they remember any of Mrs. Pols's silly nicknames!

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