Friday, December 10, 2021


 Weekly News for 2-P 12-10-21

     *Thanks for sending coats, mittens, hats and boots, plus indoor shoes daily!

*Please remember to pack back-up masks and also to check with your child about the fit of their mask to make sure they have one that is working for them. 

          *We continued to work on telling time to 5 minute intervals this week in math.  In addition, we began working on place value concepts with ones, tens, hundreds and thousands.  We used blocks, created base 10 drawings and did lots of counting and reading of big numbers.  

*During reading workshop we shifted gears and studied nonfiction books.  To integrate our science unit we read a lot about seeds and plants.  We learned about common nonfiction text features such as the table of contents, headings, bold words, captions, labels, glossaries and indexes.  We did scavenger hunts as we read, trying to locate and identify various text features. We talked about what purpose each feature served. Students were excited to do their own scavenger hunt with nonfiction books. 


*In writing workshop we planned our first realistic fiction story by mapping out the characters, setting, problem and solution. Then we got to writing and worked to get our characters into some sort of trouble (problem) so we could get them out of said trouble (solution!). The kids are writing creative stories!  Next we practiced editing our own work. During the “Daily Edit” we try to find the places we need to fix in our writing.  We are doing this practice together as a class, with writing samples, to build these skills so we can transfer it to our own writing.

*In science we observed the results of our radish experiment and drew detailed pictures of what we noticed. The radishes grown in the dark were tall but the stems were floppy and the leaves weren’t very green. The radishes grown in the sunlight were much healthier looking. We began a new experiment that centered around how plants and trees grow tall in attempts to reach for sunlight.  We made “Grassheads” as a way to explore this concept and we will be taking care of them for the next couple of weeks.

*Our spelling work was silent e words.  Next week is a review week so not all students will get a list if they have already mastered the words.  In grammar we practiced parts of speech, past tense verbs, vowel teams and adding details to sentences. 

As we work on place value we are practicing counting by hundreds.

This is one of the ways we studied non fiction text features in reading workshop.

During math we practiced writing 3 digit numbers and telling what each digit's value was.

We used our digital tools to practice.

We drew pictures of our radish seeds after giving them a couple of weeks to grow.

We did scavenger hunts in nonfiction texts.

We were proud to write numbers in the thousands.

Grasshead in the making!

Dipping our grassheads in grass seeds to coat their "hair."

Singing, dancing and playing instruments with Mrs. Joray!

Students took turns making corrections when we did the "Daily Edit" to start writing workshop.

We had fun learning about the balloons in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Ms. Luchies helped us practice coding in Library class!

This is how we are practicing editing writing.

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