Friday, January 7, 2022


 Weekly News for 2-P 1-16-22

     *Thanks for sending coats, mittens, hats and boots, plus indoor shoes daily!

*Please remember to pack back-up masks and also to check with your child about the fit of their mask to make sure they have one that is working for them. 

          *In math we kicked off unit 5 with a lesson on “fact power,” the ability to know your basic facts automatically.  The kids played “Beat the Calculator to practice!  We also worked on money and paying for items with different coin combinations. 

*During reading workshop we read explored “All About Books” in depth.  We practiced recording the topics and details for each book.  Then we got familiar with common topics in this type of book and found that we were quite good at predicting what topics would be listed on a book’s table of contents with a few days of practice.  This will help the kids next week as they write their own books in this genre!


*In writing workshop we finished up our realistic fiction series writing unit and had a writer’s celebration to share our work with classmates.  These won’t come home for your viewing just yet as the kids want to keep them here to work on when they have spare time. Up next is nonfiction writing. 

*In science we did an exploration about plant adaptations and habitats. We had to practice thinking like gardeners to explore what plants need and how an environment can change over time.

*It was a focus on long a patterns in spelling this week (a-consonant e, ay, ai). We will be doing vowel teams in the coming weeks.  In grammar we added adjectives as a new concept and reviewed all prior skills.

*Thanks for all the snacks you sent in for our party.  You were so generous that we have had an extra afternoon snack every day and still have some left.  The kids have really appreciated that!

Playing Beat the Calculator in math!

Building that fact power!

We are identifying topics and details in nonfiction texts.

We did a fun directed drawing of a winter village during our party!

Reading with your stuffy is fun!

Some Go Noodle movement during our PJ Day!

Our stuffies kept us company at our desks.

In the process of making a winter village scene

The kids love the step-by-step directed drawing lessons on Art Hub!

It was fun to choose our own nonfiction text and tell about what we learned.

During our party we watched Raymond Brigg's "The Snowman!"

Sharing our realistic fiction series with classmates on Thursday!

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