Friday, April 29, 2022


 Weekly News for 2-P 4-29-22

*Run Club was a big hit this week.  Sending an extra snack on Run Club days would be great - I will make sure they have a 2:30 snack so they are fueled up and ready to go!


*In math we continued to work on equal shares (fractions), refining our language and understanding of halves, thirds, and fourths. We also dug into place value with bigger numbers and practiced reading, writing and building numbers in the thousands. Toward the end of the week we learned how to do the trade first algorithm with subtraction (also known as borrowing!). 

*During reading workshop we read LOTS of poems to celebrate National Poetry month.  We read nature poems, silly poems, animal poems, serious poems and more!  Students wrote and drew about the poems they read in their reader’s notebooks each day.  Each second grader chose a special poem to practice and keep with them for “Poem in your Pocket Day” on Friday.  It was fun to read our poems to others throughout the WCS community.


*In our book recommendation letters we added information about character traits and settings.  We learned to give examples of parts that we really enjoyed. Some students have written letters to recommend favorite nonfiction texts as well, adding details about what those books can teach you.

*Our spelling focus was contractions this week.  We are learning about adverbs in grammar as we practice former skills. 

*We had a fun trip to the Maine Maritime Museum on Tuesday where we learned about the lobstering industry in Maine.  Thanks to the parents who came along as chaperones! 

*In science we began a unit on matter.  We started with a virtual visit to a foundry, a special factory that deals with metal.  We learned that people who work there must dress carefully to protect themselves from the heat. In our first exploration we explored the different properties of materials used for clothing and then designed and built hats to protect from the sun. Our second exploration had us comparing the insulating and conducting properties of materials during the experiment “Feel the Heat,” where we tested styrofoam, socks and aluminum foil to see which offered the best insulation! 

Book Recommendation Letter

"Feel the Heat"

Testing out conductors in science

Our hats - we designed and built these to block the sun!

Practicing our poems with partners

Poetry was in the air!

Hat samples

Hat designing

Trade first subtraction!

Showing 3 digit numbers in different ways

A wet but fun run club

Scooters in PE!

Writing big numbers in math

Poetry Response

The first lap at Run Club

The weather was great for our PE scooter session!

Maine Maritime Museum Trip

Measuring the lobsters was hard work.

The boat captains had to pick up the lobsters

Contraction game on slates!

Boats at the museum

Lobster trap rocking chairs are fun!

Getting a tour of a lobster trap

Luke teaches us about traps

Scavenger hunt in the Outdoor Classroom Monday

Ms. McCauley stops to teach us about something we saw.

Luke teaching us about lobsters and how they live.

We saw a buoy map!

We had a scavenger hunt sheet on our clipboards....

and we found lots of cool living things!

The new sign.  Thank you PTA!

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