Our classroom door decorated for Eat the RainbowWeek! |
Weekly News for 2-P 4-15-22
*In math we completed unit 8 assessment work and kicked off unit 9 on fractions
and equal shares. The kids had a great time learning about halves, thirds and
quarters. We divided paper and shapes into equal parts with our pattern block
templates. We also solved tricky equal share word problems and practiced lots
of fraction vocabulary. We have just one math unit left in the second grade math
*During reading workshop social studies was integrated into our work. We
continued to practice map skills, learning more about the compass rose, and
exploring a variety of maps. Second graders were so engaged with the map
work. We also studied the forms of early transportation and learned about why
early settlers would need to travel. We read about early boats, cars and trains,
as well as carts, wagons and stagecoaches. The kids had so many great questions
and agreed that travel is a lot easier today!
*We wrote more book recommendation letters and learned how to make our letters
stronger, longer and more convincing. One way to do this is to tell our favorite part
and relay a bit about the story’s plot. Another way is to tell some details about the
main character. Students are growing in their ability to organize their writing!
*Our spelling focus was words with ou/ow sounds. We continued to practice a
variety of important language skills including parts of speech, proofreading and
editing, homophones and vowel sounds.
*We enjoyed EAT THE RAINBOW week so much. It was fun to have a tray of
healthy snacks at the end of each day and this class is adventurous and always
willing to try something new! It was also fun to decorate our door as a class
community for the door decorating contest. On Friday we had a great “field trip”
to the Ancient Civilization Museum in 6th grade and we were impressed by their
We had a wonderful visit from a special grandma..... |
She read us a beautiful story! |
Visiting the Ancient Civilization Museum! |
Checking out the Colloseum - it was huge! |
We were impressed with King Tut! |
Friday's beautiful rainbow tray |
Super hard work! |
On Friday we drew some of our favorite parts in the Cat Pack series....we are on the fourth and final book! |
Our map skills are terrific. |
Neighborhood maps are fun to explore. |
We are practicing reading a variety of graphs. |
Equal shares work in math |
Our pattern block templates help us create equal shares. |
Solving a tough fraction problem |
We learned how to split shapes into two equal parts. |
The kids love making little words out of big ones. |
Sorting our spelling words |
More map work (sorry it's sideways!) |
Folding paper into halves and fourths |
We loved our yummy green day foods! |
We each made our favorite fruits/veggies to decorate our door. |
Kids put their favorites on photo cut outs off themselves - super cute! |
Concentration! |
We read about horses, carriages and wagons. |
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