Friday, October 21, 2022

Weekly News 10-21-22

 Weekly News for 2-P 10-21-22

*Sneakers Wednesdays for PE and water bottles every day *Library books due back on Monday


*Our math work this week centered around strategies for doubles and near doubles facts. We also worked on odd and even numbers, made shapes with geoboards and practiced our addition facts. We reviewed name collection boxes too (ways to make equivalent names for numbers). We warm up every day with routines that help us think flexibly about numbers; this builds their ability to articulate what they are thinking in mathematical terms. 

*During reading workshop we worked on forming opinions about books.  After reading stories together we practiced articulating our opinions about a character or part of a story and found that we could have good discussions about our differing opinions. Students worked hard to support their opinions with reasons. 


*In writing workshop we worked hard on our individual goals each day. One focus for the week was learning to use transition words to move our stories forward (then, next, one time, soon, after, a little later, meanwhile). We also learned to think about our word choice as we write and how action words, sound words and describing words can strengthen our stories. We practice editing our pages for capitals and punctuation several times a week.

*Our phonics work focused on the f,l,s,z rule (doubling those letters when they come after a short vowel) and on how the double l after a short vowel can sometimes change the sound of the vowel.  Students are doing strong work building words with magnetic letters, manipulating sounds to change words and recording new patterns in their dictation books. 

*We did short vowel review work all week in spelling.  Next week we take on the -al pattern. Some new skills that came up in our grammar program included contractions, finding similar vowel sounds in words, adding details to sentences and combining sentences with the word “and.” 

*Our Go2 Science work had us learning about lots of different animals.  We asked Beth and Curtis great questions about the animals they saw on safari near the Mara River and did lots of writing and drawing about what we discovered. Students worked hard to compare and contrast the skulls of a hippopotamus and a crocodile. Next week we will find out if the water being tested for the kids at HIP Academy in Kenya will be drinkable! 

Solving number stories on slates

Grammar leader of the day!

The kids love getting to come up and lead work on the board!

We are getting so good at labeling our number stories !

Geoboard fun

Playing Odd and Even Race

This was a great game to practice building automaticity with odd and even numbers.

Another Grammar Leader!

Recording doubles facts

Practicing odd and even sequencing

Comparing and contrasting animal skulls in GO2 Science

Name collection boxes

Explaining an observation in a math routine called "Same and Different"

Identifying differences and similarities in hippo and crocodile skulls

Name collection boxes

We loved this book about making our yards a special place for animals.

We are learning to skip count by 25s.

We are creating so many small moment stories every day!

We used a transition word tool to help us end words to our writing like SOON, NEXT, THEN, FINALLY, etc....

We practiced our editing in writing workshop.

The cheering crew at the Glow Run Friday night!

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