Friday, October 14, 2022

Week Ending on 10-14-22

 Weekly News for 2-P 10-14-22

*Sneakers Wednesdays for PE and water bottles every day. 


*In math we worked on lots of addition strategies in unit 2 - combinations of 10, doubles, near doubles and turn around facts.  We are practicing them visually, with number models and with hands-on games. Mastery of these facts/concepts really helps students as we tackle harder skills.

*During reading workshop we focused on nonfiction texts, specifically that nonfiction is about real topics and full of facts.  We began to learn some nonfiction text features (table of contents, photos, bold words) and practiced identifying a topic and fact after reading. We explored traditional nonfiction texts and also narrative nonfiction.


*In writing workshop we learned how a writer can add “wow” words (sounds, noises, adjectives, descriptive words) to make their writing stronger.  We also learned about the dreaded writing problem “ANDITIS,” when a story is one long, run-on sentence, full of and, and, and! Students practiced editing their writing for capitalization and punctuation and everyone worked hard toward their individual goals.

*We have completed our fifth spelling unit on short u.  Next week is a review unit.  If students score a 90 percent or greater on the review pre-test they will not get a list.  In our UFLI phonics program we have completed short vowels and are working on the FLSZ rule (double an f,l,s or z if it follows a short vowel).  Students are so engaged in building words with magnetic letters and writing new spelling patterns in their mini dictation notebooks!

*In Go2 Science we got to go along on Beth and Curtis’s safari camping trip - we saw so many animals native to Kenya and learned about how the animals also depend on water. The nearby river is home to many animals. We are asking great questions as we learn about the importance of water to human life and learn about a different culture and climate.

*On Friday we had a virtual field trip with the Osher Map Library at USM entitled All About Maps. We learned about important map features such as the compass rose, the scale, and the legend. It was so much fun to create our own imaginary lands, complete with these map features. 

I set individual writing goals with each child using this narrative writing checklist.

Small moment page!

We were grateful for a donation of fire hats and fire safety bags!

Mrs. Smith led us in a writing lesson and we helped her revise her small moment story!

One of our imaginary maps.....

made with the help of....

Renee Keuel from the USM Osher Map Library.

We met virtually with Renee for a half hour.

She taught us about map features.

We got to create our own maps and lands.

Working on our maps during the virtual field trip.

Hard working map maker!

We learned about how narrative nonfiction can tell true information in a story format.

We read a Scholastic News about a fire dog and wrote about that topic in our readers's botebooks.

Meeting Renee from the  Osher Map Library

Renee showed us many maps.

We loved learning about a fire dog's job!

Indoor recess creation!

We had fun stretching out words in a new way.

We saw sooo many animals to check off on our "Kenya Bingo" page during this week's livestream with Curtis and Beth.  They were on an amazing safari. 

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