Friday, November 4, 2022


 Weekly News for 2-P 11-4-2

     On Monday morning, November 14th, we have a Chewonki presentation, “Mammals of Maine.”

There is no school next Thursday (Professional Development Day) or Friday (Veterans Day).


*Our math thinking this week was all about fact strategies. We worked on fact families and how to generate four facts from the three numbers in a family.  We also practiced subtraction strategies such as counting up or counting back.  Kids loved the game SALUTE, which helps them find missing addends. If you have a deck of cards at home, ask them to teach you how to play. 

*During reading workshop our work was centered around the author’s message in a nonfiction text.  We practiced being able to name the main idea or “author’s message” the author wanted us to learn.  The kids showed a lot of insight as they named messages such as, “Worms help soil be healthy to grow plants.” or “Skunks have special ways to protect themselves.”


*In writing workshop we finished our last small moment story and turned our attention to beginning to “fancy up” our favorites for an upcoming author’s celebration.  We spent time rereading, editing, revising and adding quality illustrations before we share them with others. 

*Our spelling pattern this week was consonant digraphs, specifically, ng and nk.  We did a lot of work with synonyms, antonyms, vowel teams, nouns and verbs and writing complete sentences with proper capitalization and punctuation. Our phonics work focused on ch and sh digraphs. 

*In science we returned to our Mystery Science unit on Animal Adventures and explored the question of animal habitats with a fun investigation called “Why would a wild animal visit a playground?” Students solved the mystery of why a group of wild bighorn sheep would leave their usual habitat to visit a second, very different habitat.  Students recorded observations of the diversity of life in the desert and the playground, to answer this question. It was a great way to see how the living and non-living parts of a habitat support the animals that live there. 

Our new Mystery Science investigation.....

We observed animals in two different habitats.

We found out why the sheep would go back to the desert at night.

Reader's Notebook - working on author's message with nonfiction

We are "fancying up" our stories for publishing!

Adding illustrations!

Art - glazing our clay!

Author at work!

Finding ways to make her story even better!

Using writing tools to fix up his story

Clay work in art

Sometimes you have to stretch your hands after you have been doing a lot of illustrating!

New math game we loved - tic tac ten!

Helps us practice our combos of ten!

Fact family whiz!

A beautifully crafted number story!

Solving a "mystery" book on Halloween!

Popcorn balls were a hit on Monday!

We did a "directed drawing" on Monday - a cat on a pumpkin.....

Very serious artists!

Class fun!

Pumpkin decoration winners!!!!

Making words with ch digraphs!

We have raised some money for kids at HIPP Academy!

Students adding to our name collection boxes in math.

Mystery Science obserations

Playing SALUTE in math!

Kids love to come to the board and "teach" us what they know!  Great engagment!

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