Friday, January 13, 2023


 Weekly News for 2-P 1-13-23

     *Thanks for sending coats, mittens, hats and boots, plus indoor shoes daily!

*In math we have done lots of work with money.  We have completed a lot of “shopping” and have paid for items with exact change in multiple ways.  We also practiced making change and adding/subtracting 10 and 100s. During an exploration lesson we investigated arrays, 2-D shapes, geoboards and telling time.  

*We read books and a Scholastic News article all about Martin Luther King Jr. this week. We talked a lot about what we can do every day to treat people fairly and with kindness and respect. Students decorate our door with their own “I have a dream….” statements!

*Our reading workshop focus was integrated with science as we read lots of books about force and motion, friction and gravity.  We are getting familiar with this for an upcoming writing unit where we will be conducting experiments and writing lab reports!


*In writing workshop we moved onto the next step with our “All About Books.”  We planned out our table of contents with different sections or chapters. Then we learned how to write an introduction and add details to each section of our book. There was a lot of excitement as we dug into this new type of writing.

*In science we completed our plant adaptations unit and finished solving our mystery about “Why is there a superbloom in Death Valley?”  Ask your child to tell you what causes this phenomenon.  Mystery Doug led us on an awesome virtual field trip into three unique places in Death Valley and we were enthralled! (Our grassheads are still in the growing process - stay tuned; they will come home in a week or so).

*Our focus was on long 0 patterns in spelling this week (o, oa, ow).  Next week is the 3 ways to make the -k sound (c,k,ck).  In grammar we added pronouns as a new skill as we gain independence with prior concepts. During our phonics time we practiced -es and -ed word endings.

We wrote "I have a dream.." statements, 

like Martin Luther King, Jr.

New Year's Resolutions too!

All About Books need a Table of Contents

We learned to write introductions.

Author at work!

Inside recess fun on Friday!

We worked on a map of Florida in Go2 Science.

Here are our "grassheads!"

Grass sprouted this week!

More inside recess choices

Square One Art with Mrs. Devin

We began this amazing series for read aloud - the kids are enthralled!

In UFLI Phonics we sorted the 3 sounds of the -ed ending.

Searching our Florida Bingo page after our Go2 Science Livestream with Beth and Curtis.

Writing an introduction takes lots of time and energy!

We just finished Maine author, Cynthia Lord's, newest series.  After the second book we wrote her a letter. Mrs. Pols will deliver it since she lives across the street from Mrs. Pols!

Playing Addition Spin in math

This game helps us add 2 digit numbers.

One player uses a calculator to check their partner's answers.

Lots of strong mental math work being done in this game!

Kids are loving ESTIMYSTERIES in math!

Counting by 10s past 100.

We made "travel trunks" and packed them with the items Beth and Curtis would need in Florida.

The climate is much different there so they needed lots of special things we aren't using in Maine right now!

We liked watching them drive from Maine to Florida along the Eastern Coast of the US.

They introduced us to the hypothesis about how manatees are being injured by motor boats.

Florida bingo!

Playing Addition Top It

We explored shapes with our pattern block templates.

Expanded notation practice

Mrs. Pratt read to us after recess Monday and we loved it!

Our virtual field trip to 3 intriguing places in Death Valley, CA, was super fun!

Using our slates to work on place value skills in math.

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