Friday, February 10, 2023


Weekly News for 2-P 2-10-32

     *Thanks for sending coats, mittens, hats and boots, plus indoor shoes daily!

*Bring valentines for Tuesday! 

          *Spirit Week is next week - see the WCS newsletter or Mrs. Pols’s

weekly email for details.

     *In math we worked on comparison number stories using visual diagrams

as a tool for solving. We also worked on graphing data and solving two

step number stories, where we have to read a problem carefully and pay

attention to instances of using both subtraction and addition in one word


*As part of reading workshop we read more narrative nonfiction and

discussed how the authors told these true stories in unique ways.  Students

love learning about real-life events in story formats! We are working on main

ideas, details and enduring themes as we read these books. Ask your child

about how Winnie-the-Pooh came to be - we LOVED Finding Winnie By Lindsay Mattick.


*We did a Mystery Science investigation called “How Can You Go Faster

Down a Slide?” and learned more about force and patterns of motion. To

explore friction we tested a variety of materials to see which would have

the most and least friction going down a cardboard ramp (cardboard,

sandpaper, pennies).  We took this experiment all the way through the

steps of the scientific process and kids had fun racing their “sliders”

down our ramps and keeping track of their data.  

*In writing workshop we conducted a second “lab” centered around the

question: “Will the car go farther off the ramp onto tin foil, wax paper or

a napkin?”  After making our hypothesis, we conducted three trials and

kept data on this fun experiment.  Our conclusion was surprising! On

Thursday we started our first full lab report about cars and ramps.  Stay

tuned for more information as we continue this work next week.

*It was a focus on -oi and -oy words in spelling this week and our phonics

work was about closed and open multisyllable words. Next week we tackle

inflectional endings.  We spent a lot of time working on the components of

complete sentences. Students had fun playing a game where they put a

subject and predicate together to make some silly sentences!

We are learning to use the scientific method!

This narrative nonfiction about how Winnie the Pooh came to be really captured our hearts!

Reader's Notebook response!

We had the best time playing addition bingo in math!

Trying to get bingo by adding correctly!

During one experiment we tested how far a car would go off a ramp onto different surfaces.

Students experimented with sliders to see which had the most and least friction.


We are using visual tools to help us organize and solve word problems.

Sometimes you gotta dance - this was "Disco Brain," requested by the kids!

Friction is fun - lining sliders up for a "fair test."

We learned a new game to practice subtraction.

Math games with partners

Place value UNO is a favorite!

Lots of teamwork this week!

On Monday we took part in a special project.

We went outside to set up our outdoor seeds.

Mrs. Macauley and Mrs. Devin led us through the process.

We filled the cups with dirt, sand and seeds.

Our winter seeds will be sown outdoors, protected by the snow and a mesh covering.

Each group member prepared one part of the planting process.

We planted several types of seeds, all native to Maine.

Art class fun!

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