Friday, May 5, 2023

Weekly News 5-5-23

 Weekly News for 2-P 5-5-23

*Run Club was a big hit again this week!

*Author Matt Tavares joins us next Thursday at WCS!


*In math we worked on partitioning shapes into equal parts and on array number stories (multiplication). We completed unit 8 assessment work. Next up we will kick off unit 9 on fractions and equal shares. We have just one math unit left in the second grade math program!

*During reading workshop we compared and contrasted nonfiction passages about interesting topics. We are growing as learners who can name similarities and differences. Visual tools, like venn diagrams, have been a big help to record our thinking. 


*We finished opinion writing with two last book recommendation letters mid-week and started a poetry unit.  We learned that poets look closely at everyday objects with a “poet’s eye.” After practicing this around the room we made a list of potential topics and by the end of the week we were writing poems!!! Students each got their own blank book Friday to hold their poems; they immediately gave these a title, decorated the cover and began writing their poems inside.

*Our spelling focus was review for the past 5 units.  In phonics we studied the -ea as short e exception rule and dipthongs (oi, oy).

*In science we continued our matter unit with an investigation called “Can you build a house out of cards?”  Students worked hard on two challenges to build towers using only index cards and paper clips.  The teamwork and perseverance was fantastic. We had a lot of success and had to think really hard about the properties of materials that make them fit or unfit for building.

Array concentration

Math games help us develop our fact fluency.

Jumping in the rain

Mrs. Pratt brings another great book to share with us!

Mystery Science STEM challenge: building towers

We could only use index cards and paper clips. 

First to get their tower to the right height!

Second challenge - get the base to hold up books!

Working on 12 inch towers


We made a poster for Mrs. Wells and Mrs. Small....

to thank them for feeding us great food every day!

Run club planking!

Writing class exercise - studying the ceiling for our first poem

Practicing this week's phonics patterns

Our personal poetry anthologies

Comparing and contrasting non fiction texts

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