Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Weekly News 11-8-23

 Weekly News  11-8-23

*Be sure to sign up for conferences.

The link is in my email and in Mrs. Pratt’s newsletter.

*In reading we focused on the author’s message, or lesson/theme, in literature. Students did a great job identifying multiple messages in the books we read. 

*During writing workshop we learned how to write friendly letters and sent our first letters through the Wildcat Express. The kids loved choosing someone in the school to write to. We will continue to do this throughout the year. Who doesn’t like to get mail? Writing letters is a great way to practice communication skills, complete sentences and the mechanics of writing. We also kicked off our realistic fiction series unit by reading “Iris and Walter,” a great model of this genre. Students started planning their series by choosing main characters and identifying their hobbies, likes, and dislikes. It was fun naming characters and pets to be in our stories!

*In math we began unit 3 and worked on fact families, subtraction from addition and how to use fact triangles to help us master basic facts. Students have fact triangles for homework tonight. These don’t need to be returned. They can be used at home to improve fact mastery. 

*Short vowel, high frequency words were our spelling focus. These small words (does, been, said) often trip kids up in their daily writing, so this was helpful practice.  Our phonics work centered on the suffix -ing and closed and open syllables.

*We worked on our first plant investigation called, “How Does a Koa Seed Travel Halfway Across the World.” Ask your child how seeds can travel.

*On Tuesday, while Woolwich residents came to vote, 2-P read about the importance of voting. We also read a Scholastic news about Veterans Day.

The first Wildcat Express letters of the year get mailed!

Writing a letter

Ten frame fun in math!

Planning realistic fiction series

Testing out our maple seed models

We had to drop them to see how they flew.

We tested them over and over for 3 whole minutes.

They spun around before they landed.

Working to design our characters

Seed tester at work!

Naming and describing our characters

Sample character creation work

We wrote subtraction number stories in math

We were creative!

Creating our side characters was the best part!

We loved Iris and Walter, a realistic fiction classic.


Fitness Friday with Mr. H

He let us come on Wednesday this week!

We love to move with Mr. H!

It's quite a workout!

Music, friends and fun!

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