Friday, May 28, 2021

Weekly News 5-28-21

 Weekly News 5-28-21

Important Notes:

*Next week students can choose new library books on Tuesday!

*Run Club Race is Saturday at 9:00 a.m.

Our Work this Week:

We loved our PTA-sponsored Chewonki presentation, “Owls of Maine,” this week. We got to “meet” many owls who live at Chewonki and learn about their adaptations. 

*In spelling we worked on contractions and r controlled vowels.  The contraction work is taking us a little longer as it’s tricky.  But we are continuing to practice those words while working on words with -ar patterns. We are also doing word work that focuses on adding suffixes to make new words. Our grammar work continues to spiral and review important concepts such as capitalization, punctuation, parts of speech, rhyming and vowel teams.

*During math we did the Unit 8 test on geometry and the cumulative assessment as well - look for those soon.  We kicked off the last unit of the program on equal shares and fractions.  Students missed this unit in first grade so we will work to close some gaps there.  

*In reading/writing workshop and science we became loon experts with videos, books and articles.  “Pebble Go” provided a handy online source of great information, easily accessible to students.  We took notes using our graphic organizers and the kids are getting very good at it! Then they wrote their facts under headings on small cutaways.  The kids practiced drawing realistic looking loons.  Our final project was a loon poster and they are beautiful! Next up students do their final project on a bird THEY choose to research. This unit has kept students working busily, with a purpose, on some very high quality projects.

Guidance:  Mrs. Reny worked with us on the bullying curriculum this week.  We learned how to identify bullying, how to report it and how to take an active role of support when you see it happening. 

Practicing owl moves during our Chewonki presentation.

Trying out how owls see....

Kyle showed us an owl skull.
It was helpful to compare the owl sizes as we met each one.

We learned about each owl and its background and adaptations! 

Serious work on our loon poster project - the layout and design in process!

Students showed a lot of care in working toward high quality posters showcasing their knowledge.

Cutting the facts before laying out the poster

In math we played Array Bingo!

Array Bingo helps you learn repeated addition and multiplication!

Second grade had an outdoor popsicle break - a nice surprise on a hot da!

Sneaking in a game of Mr. Fox outdoors!

Loon research - our note taking skills are improving!

We are learning to identify and create equal parts.

We are also learning to name them them in different ways.

On Friday we solved an equal shares problem!

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