Weekly News for 2-P 1-28-22
*Thanks for sending coats, mittens, hats and boots, plus indoor shoes daily!
*Students need back up masks in their backpack daily.
*In math this week we completed the unit 5 math assessment. Unit 6 kicked off with collecting and graphing data in a fun way. Then we learned to use “QQD’s” (quantity, quantity, difference diagrams) to solve comparison number stories by plugging in known data and finding the missing information.
*During reading workshop we read more narrative nonfiction, focusing on different formats authors use. Students are noticing nonfiction text features such as maps, captions and bold words in some of our selections. We really love learning about true stories in narrative form!
*In writing workshop we took time to finish our All About Books. On Friday we shared our books with the class, after some “fancying up” with illustrations and editing for spelling, periods and capitals. Next week we start a different type of nonfiction writing; lab reports!
*In science we completed our first force and motion exploration “How Could You Win a Game of Tug-of-War Against a Bunch of Adults?” We learned about pushes and pulls. As we made and tested our very own “Hopper Poppers,” we worked with concepts of how to add greater or different levels of force to pushes/pulls and how elasticity can be a factor. The classroom was buzzing as partnerships worked to make their popper get height. We recorded our launch data and tried adjustments as we worked. We also learned about being engineers and built our very own gummy bear-toothpick structures strong enough to hold up a book! This is to prepare us for building paper bridges next week.
*Our focus was on long o patterns in spelling this week 0i-consonant-e, oa, ow). Next week is ck/k words. We used our new favorite game called SPARKLE to practice long o and high frequency words this week. In grammar we practiced prior skills and added the concept of subject/predicate.
Building a gummy bear-toothpick structure |
All About Books! |
"Hopper Popper" Scientist Team |
Building a hopper popper |
Engineering success! |
Holding up a book! |
Narrative nonfiction response |
We sorted actions into pushes/pulls. |
Our favorite Scholastic News of the year..... |
Snow monkeys - they are so cool! |
Another narrative nonfiction response |
Author's celebration of our All About books |
Authors sharing their books with each other |
Data collection of how many pockets we were wearing |
Then we graphed the data! |
Solving QQD word problems |
We are good at comparison number stories! |
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