Friday, March 31, 2023


 Weekly News for 2-P 3-31-23

  *Second grade has a spring concert at 6:00 pm on April 11!


  *In math this week we generated lots of data through measuring.  We measured our arm spans and standing long jumps and then graphed this data with picture graphs and line plots. We also worked with measuring meters, centimeters, feet, inches and yards. Our tape measures came in handy for lots of partner measuring. We also began to explore a variety of 2 dimensional shapes and their attributes.

*During reading workshop we focused on genre and our ability to identify a book by its characteristics. We explored fiction, nonfiction, poetry, mysteries and fairy tales, then used a genre wheel to record the type of texts we read. This included lots of practice identifying WHY a book falls into a certain genre (i.e. a nonfiction book has facts and true information).


*We switched gears in writing workshop and dove into opinion writing. We found out that we have lots of opinions! We used a special organizational “recipe” to help us form a clear paragraph on a particular opinion (best animal, best special, etc).  We practiced introductions, conclusions and how to use transition words to articulate our reasons. Adding details about each reason was a structured way to elaborate and support our thinking.  We will keep practicing pieces in this format before learning to write book recommendation letters. 

*Our spelling focus was words with double consonants in the middle. During phonics we learned long a, e and o vowel teams.

*In science we began to study matter. First we learned about solids, liquids and gases. Then we completed a Mystery Science investigation about properties of materials and how they can provide insulation. Students showed a lot of grit and creativity as they used basic materials to fashion a hat to protect them from the hot sun.

Genre wheel from reading workshop

Filling out a genre wheel

Sorting 2D shapes

Measuring with partners

Opinion writing

Sorting shapes into groups of 3 sided and 4 sided

We measured head circumferences

and arm spans

Opinion writing warm ups!

Drawing giraffes in art

We brainstormed what we learned at the museum and sorted it into categories, facts and opinions

We made a line plot in math with our standing long jump data.

Our hat creations from science

Showing our efficient math grouping using combinations of 10

Hat Designs

Before we made the hats we had to do the absorbency test!

We loved the new exhibit at the Maine Maritime Museum

Working in groups to come up with facts about our field trip

Learning to navigate the seas!

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