Friday, April 7, 2023


 Weekly News for 2-P 4-7-23

 *Next Tuesday at 6:00 PM we have our spring concert in the cafeteria! 

   *In math we started Unit 7 with a focus on geometry and equal parts.  Students learned about 2-D and 3-D shapes, the attributes of shapes (sides, vertices, angles), parallel and non parallel lines. We played a fun game called Shape Capture!

*During reading workshop we continued our focus on identifying a book by genre. We explored the characteristics of nonfiction, realistic fiction, fairy tales, poetry and mysteries. Since it’s National Poetry Month we read a lot of poems, which will get us ready for some poetry writing later this month.

*In Social Studies we have been learning about citizenship, US symbols, rights and responsibilities.

*In Science we did another investigation about matter, called “Can you really fry an egg on a hot sidewalk?” We learned about insulation and how some materials insulate better than others. It was fun to test different materials to see which would be the best oven mitt. Styrofoam was the winner!


*We continued to work on opinion writing. We used a special organizational “recipe” to help us form a clear paragraph on a particular opinion (best animal, best game, etc).  We practiced introductions, conclusions and how to use transition words to articulate our reasons. Adding details about each reason was a structured way to elaborate and support our thinking. We will keep practicing pieces in this format before learning to write book recommendation letters. 

*Our spelling focus was words with double consonants and we studied long vowel teams in our phonics lessons. These kids are becoming such great readers and spellers!

Rehearsing on the risers!

Solo instrument practice

The soloists line up for their parts!

Silly sentences we made!

Sharing our work

We played a game with subject and predicate cards.

We put the two parts together to make silly sentences.

We are tracking the cool birds we see during our Go2 Science mission.

We studied the map of Thailand.

And we compared it to Maine in the USA.

Grammar game!

We have seen two beautiful birds native to Thailand so far.

We played Shape Capture in math - we beat the computer once!

Practicing our 2-D shapes

We are learning to name attributes and use words like angles, sides and vertices.

Clay week in ART!

Buddy reading - trying mysteries!

Doing roll and read phonics work with a pal!

We were so happy to see Beth and Curtis again!

Look at all the combination we know to make long vowel sounds!

Our favorite guest reader was back with another winner!

We learned to draw line segments,

We identified characteristics of realistic fiction.

We are learning to write paragraphs about our opinions,

Science experiment

Learning about the best insulating materials

Swinging in the sun!

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