Friday, April 14, 2023


Weekly News for 2-P 4-14-23 

*Author Matt Tavares will be at WCS on May 11th. Check your child’s

take-home folder for a book order form from Ms. Luchies.

*Vacation is a great time to clean out your child’s take home folder! 

*We have our second trip to the Maine Maritime Museum after break, on

April 27th.

  *In math we practiced attributes of 2-D and 3-D shapes. We used geometry

vocabulary like sides, angles, vertices and parallel lines. We had fun drawing

line segments and looking at the shapes in our SHAPE MUSEUM! Thank you,

families, for your contributions. We also learned to partition rectangles into

same size squares with a ruler.

*During reading workshop we worked on comparing and contrasting fairy

tales. We did this through venn diagrams and charts, where we explored

how settings, events and characters were alike and different. Students are

using great language as they talk about important points in texts and how they


up with each other…or how they do not match up!


*We practiced organizing opinion writing into clear paragraphs.  Then we dug

into writing book recommendation letters. We have been writing letters for the

Wildcat Express for so long that our letter writing skills are in great shape. 

We are learning to form an opinion about a book and explain, in a letter

format, why someone should read it. This includes explaining our reasons

with supporting details.  We are working on those transition words too,

which helps us to be organized writers.

*Our spelling focus was words with consonant le endings. After vacation

we will tackle contractions and abbreviations. Our phonics work was the

two sounds the -oo pattern can make. The daily practice of high frequency

words is showing up in our writing! 

*We did another matter experiment about melting - we tested the melting

points of different candies. This reinforced our understanding of solids and

liquids.  In Go2 Science we journeyed with Beth and Curtis to see what

evidence they were finding in Thailand that a resident tiger population might

be present. We loved watching all the live animals they saw on their

adventures. It has been fun to track the birds of Thailand.

**We enjoyed EAT THE RAINBOW week so much.  It was fun to have a tray

of healthy snacks at the end of each day and this class is adventurous and

always willing to try something new!  It was also fun to decorate our door as

a class community for the door decorating contest. 

Analyzing fairy tales with partners

Students worked together to chart the fairy tale characteristics they located as they read!

Red Day was a big hit!

We made 2D shapes in math!

It was hard work but we persevered!

Getting ready to sing our hearts out!

We did some coloring while we waited backstage for our big act!

Beth and Curtis had us moving like the Thai monkeys we saw!

Another 2D shape

On the risers!

Mrs. Devin's Stars

Testing the melting point of candies

Giving it the squish test

And some squeezing too

We wrote book recommendation letters.

Our last and most amazing tray delivered by these amazing PTA ladies. 

Groups working to stir their candies in the hot water

Planning sheet for opinion writing

We ate every last bite!

Our decorated door

That's some spirit!

Candy investigation to learn about matter


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