Thursday, October 12, 2023

Weekly News 10-13-23

 Weekly News for 2-P 10-13-23

*Sneakers Thursdays for PE and water bottles every day. 


*In math we worked on lots of addition strategies in unit 2 - combinations of 10, doubles, near doubles and turn around facts.  We are practicing them visually, with number models and with hands-on games. Mastery of these facts/concepts really helps students as we tackle harder skills in the upcoming months.

*During reading workshop we focused more on genre, adding mystery and poetry to our repertoire. We also worked more with both fiction and nonfiction. Students are getting more familiar with the term “genre” and with finding clues that help them categorize a book.


*In writing workshop we learned how a writer can add “wow” words (sounds, noises, adjectives, descriptive words) to make their writing stronger.  We also learned about the dreaded writing problem “ANDITIS,” when a story is one long, run-on sentence, full of and, and, and! Students practiced editing their writing for capitalization and punctuation and everyone worked hard toward their individual goals.

*We have completed our fifth spelling unit on short u.  Next week is a review unit.  If students score a 90 percent or greater on the review pre-test they will not get a list.  In our UFLI phonics program we have completed short vowels, digraphs, the FLSZ rule (double an f,l,s or z if it follows a short vowel) and are working on all the silent e words. Ask your child the two sounds long u makes!   Students are so engaged in building words with magnetic letters and writing new spelling patterns in their mini dictation notebooks!

*In Go2 Science we got to go along with Beth and Curtis as they visited the rainforests of Basimentos Island. We saw blue morpho butterflies and lots of other interesting animals. Next they showcased an area outside the rainforest and we enjoyed the bat cave they explored.

*We finished our Mystery Science investigation about frog calls and explored the differences between pond and lake habitats. When we returned to our Bracken Cave mystery we followed clues until we learned what animal was making all the “poo” in the cave - a Mexican free-tailed bat. Our scientific skills are growing and growing! 

Solving number stories

Playing Graph the Doubles!

Practicing those doubles facts

Roll and Read is a favorite game

Mrs. Singer helps out with writing workshop.

Writing up a storm!

We got our Quick Words this week!

Such a great tool for writers to help them find and spell words

Working on nonfiction texts!

Illustrating the Mexican free-tailed bat

We labeled the parts we saw in the cave.

This shows the scientists in the cave wearing their safety gear while handling all the bat poo!

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