Thursday, March 14, 2024

Weekly News 3-14-24

 Weekly News for 2-P 3-14-24

*Conferences are next Thursday from 12:00-6:00 p.m.

*Thursday and Friday are both noon dismissal next week.


*Ms. Luchies kicked off the annual Chickadee Award season last Wednesday and it continued this week. Students have been loving the chance to hear stories with Mrs. Keefe, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Babcock and Mr. Hutchings. Kids love rating each book in their special booklets.  It is fun to have guest readers!

  *In math we worked with data by collecting our arm span and standing long jump information (fun math!). We also got lots of practice measuring in inches, feet, yards and centimeters and meters. We are learning the equivalencies in both the US Customary System and the Metric System.

*During reading workshop we studied fairy tales after working on trickster tales last week. Students identified the common characteristics in a fairy tale and used a graphic organizer to document which ones they found in each tale we read. Students also enjoyed reading fairy tales on their own. This is also giving us continued practice with identifying the author’s message, as most fairy tales have a moral or lesson.


*Our writing workshops have been focused on how to write strong book recommendation letters. We are learning to organize our paragraphs with solid openings and closings, with detailed reasons in the middle. Using transitional words and phrases is another goal we have added into our repertoire. Students love writing these letters to their classmates.

*Our spelling focus was -er and -est word patterns.  In phonics we worked on suffixes also: –er, -est and -ly. 

*We continued our Wabanaki unit last week and this week. Students have learned about the Penobscot, Pasamaquoddy and Maliseet Nations. We are having rich discussions and capturing our takeaways in our Wabanaki Languages Booklets. We spent some time outside this week, enjoying the sunshine and nature after studying the Wabanaki’s deep appreciation for the natural world around them. 

Nature Journal

A page from our Wabanaki Languages Book

We record our learnings after each lesson.

Mrs. Babcock read us a Chickadee book on Thursday!

Writing tools to help us write the best opinion letters.

Passamaquoddy animal names

Measuring head circumference

And height!

Standing long jump data collection!

The "pit crew" scrambles in to measure after each jump.

Everyone did two jumps.

Measuring arm spans!

Book recommendation letter

Enjoying nature on our playground

We focused on our senses

Recording what we saw, heard, smelled and felt

Fairy tale chart

Mrs. Fisher reads us a Chickadee book too!

Measuring our new Promethean board

Measuring our writing center

Mrs. Keefe read to us also!

Busy measuring!

On Monday we investigated whether a standard measuring unit is necessary....

We decided it is! Measuring with assorted second graders is inaccurate!

Art Class

Using rhythm sticks with Mrs. Sturgeon

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