Friday, March 29, 2024

Weekly News 3-29-24

 Weekly News for 2-P 3-29-24

 *In math we started Unit 8 with a focus on geometry. Students learned about 2-D shapes, the attributes of shapes (sides, vertices, angles), parallel and non parallel lines. We learned that polygons are many sided shapes. We practiced counting sides, angles and vertices and built shapes with toothpicks. We played a fun game called Shape Capture!

*During reading workshop we focused on Women’s History Month by reading many nonfiction books about women who have made an impact. We connected last week’s work about how fictional characters face challenges to how real women have handled challenging events. Students research women of their choice and made posters sharing their knowledge. 


*In writing workshop we wrote our final opinion pieces - we have grown in crafting solid book recommendation letters. Next week we take up a new genre; poetry!

*Our spelling focus was contractions and abbreviations. During phonics we worked with more prefixes (un, pre, re, dis).

*In science we began to study matter. First we learned about solids, liquids and gases. Then we completed a Mystery Science investigation about properties of materials and how they can provide insulation. Our anchor phenomenon brought us on a virtual trip to a foundry and we will revisit this after each investigation to fold in our new learning. Students showed a lot of grit and creativity as they used basic materials to fashion a hat to protect them from the hot sun. They had to consider the properties of the materials (absorbency, softness, rigidity, stiffness, flexibility) as they worked.

*Our Social Studies Weekly unit was on patriotism. We learned about the meaning behind the pledge of allegiance and the history of our national anthem. 

2D toothpick creations

Our anchor phenomenon in Mystery Science brought us to a foundry...

Using Epic to research famous women

Snow on Monday was fun!!!!

Art class last week....

This hill was the place to be Monday at recess.

We learned about Ruth Law and the challenges she faced.

We also learned about Jeanne Power and her creation of the first aquarium.

Women's History Month research

Our posters

Practicing long vowel teams in phonics

Soaker test during science

Our Mystery Science hats.....

Partners tested materials

Absorbency testing

Proud designer

Testing rigidity

Free choice Friday!

Trimester 2 Award Recipients

Inside recess - playing a phonics game

We had a fun reader's theater performance.

Look at that form!

Tired plankers. We are up to over a minute for our plank. It's a lot! (Mrs. Pols stops planking to take the photos. Good deal for me!)

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