Weekly News for 2-P 12-6-24
*Thanks for sending coats, mittens, and hats daily as the weather turns colder. Also, when students need boots, please send indoor shoes daily or send a pair to leave in the locker.
*This week we learned about important documents during our Studies Weekly social studies work. We read about the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. We defined their purposes after completing our lessons. We also started learning about the branches of government.
*In math this week we practiced strategies for efficient addition with doubles facts, learned to decompose one addend to make friendlier numbers, practiced partial sums addition and also learned how to adjust one addend.
*Our writing work this week focused on writing science articles. First, we had to do some research on our topics (using books and Pebble Go). Then we had to use a flow chart to plan out the steps involved in our topic. We wrote drafts using paragraphs! On Thursday and Friday we revised and edited these pieces. We will publish on Monday. Our grammar tie-in was learning about past, present and future tense as it relates to verbs.
*In UFLI phonics we worked on both long e and long o patterns. Our spelling unit this week was long i patterns.
*During reading workshop we focused on comparing and contrasting with nonfiction texts. This involved finding similarities and differences in a text about harvesting cranberries. We learned to do “close reading,” where we read a text several times to pull out different pieces of information (finding new vocabulary, locating headings).
Playing Roll and Write and highlighting long o patterns |
Roll and Write with a pal |
We finished the 4th book in the Lulu series on Friday... |
and had to take a minute to write and draw about Lulu.... |
Yes, that is Lulu on the left - captured beautifully! |
in our Reader's notebooks! |
Brrr! On Friday we did a VERY quick session observing the sights and smells of nature in our Wabanaki Nature Journals. |
We saw birds, trees, clouds, snow, ice and a couple of bugs! |
Quick snack break! |
We did comparing and contrasting with our Scholastic News magazine - as we learned about winter animals. |
Our writing plan - a flow chart for brainstorming the steps in the science article we wrote this week |
Samples from Wabanki Languages book |
We love to play games in math! |
We worked on comparing and contrasting in reading. |
We practiced writing sentences in present, past and future tense. |
Writing partners helped give feedback about our science articles. |
We listened as our partners read their piece and tried to help them see if there were any steps of their process that needed to be reordered. |
Working on reading comprehension work |
Another math game |
We learned about the important documents in our country. |
We did some drumming while we listened to some Wabanaki music. |
Working on reflections about our Wabanaki unit |
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